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20ª Summit, Conference and International Film
Festival of Animation, Visual Effects and Video Games
Evento finalizado, permanece atento a la próxima edición de Animayo 2022
Looking for a job?
28 / 29 October 2021
Plazo de Inscripción para las Sesiones de Reclutamiento On Line 2021 cerrado. Permanece atento para las próximas sesiones de Reclutamiento para Mayo de 2022.
Plataforma de selección de personal y punto de encuentro para empresas que buscan nuevos perfiles en sus filas. Una oportunidad exclusiva de acceder a las grandes compañías nacionales e internacionales.
Encuentra trabajo con Animayo el 28/29 de Octubre en las Sesiones de Reclutamiento On line.
Uno de los objetivos de Animayo es gestionar adecuadamente el talento en pro del empleo, con procesos de selección a medida, contando con el apoyo de reclutadores de talento de productoras y estudios nacionales e internacionales . Estos recruitment permitirán que las productoras participantes oferten empleos concretos y entren en contacto con futuras promesas, jóvenes talentos y profesionales en activo que pertenecen a la Comunidad Animayo y que buscan trabajo dentro de los sectores de la animación, los videojuegos, los efectos visuales, la realidad virtual y las disciplinas relacionadas como por ejemplo: riggers, pipeline developer, animadores, 2D y 3D Layaouts, producción, GC artist, compositing artist, art director, art developer, concept artist, character designer y VFX artist entre otros.
Participa en nuestras sesiones de reclutamiento y opta a trabajar en
compañias de animación, efectos visuales y videojuegos de reconocido prestigio.
Si quieres trabajar en alguna de estas empresas
Cómo y cuándo podrás acceder al portal
1.Inscríbete al Reclutamiento pinchando aquí:
2.Recuerda que tienes que ser Abonado Animayo para acceder al Reclutamiento
3.Una vez te has inscrito, el equipo Animayo realizará una revisión de la idoneidad de los perfiles para cada una de las candidaturas.
4.Los candidatos seleccionados, recibirán un email con el enlace al Portal de Reclutamiento On line de Animayo.
5.Dentro del Portal de Reclutamiento, debes subir tu información profesional, incluyendo porfolio y reel (en caso que lo tengas) para que las empresas puedan conocerte.
6.Sigue las instrucciones del Portal de Reclutamiento que encontrarás en nuestra web y solicita reuniones directas con los reclutadores.
¡Solo unas pocas personas serán elegidas!
Los únicos requisitos indispensables para participar de esta búsqueda proactiva del talento y poder optar al trabajo de tus sueños son:
- Enviar tu porfolio a animayo@animayo.com especificando tu perfil profesional.
¡Buscadores de talento de productoras y estudios internacionales de primer nivel aterrizan
en Animayo Gran Canaria!
Si no tienes tu bono Animayo 2021, aún estás a tiempo, puedes adquirirlo AQUÍ.
Si tienes cualquier duda, puedes escribir a animayo@animayo.com y te responderemos en menos de 24 horas.
Your contact information have been obtained from sources of public access, especially, telephone directories, business guides and other media owned by
Animayo. If you do not want us to send you advertising, announcements and information about our Festival, please click here or send an email to animayo@animayo.com to request your removal.
Capitán Araña
Line producer / Production manager
Candidat@s con experiencia en la producción de contenidos de animación 3D y stop motion, para gestionar y supervisar los proyectos en curso de la productora.
Elaborar y gestionar el presupuesto de producción.
Elaborar un plan detallado detallado de producción.
Proporcionar informes de progreso sobre los trabajos en curso y la producción restante.
Gestión de los recursos humanos de los equipos creativos y técnicos. - Garantizar que el equipo conozca y actúe para cumplir los objetivos y las fechas de entrega.
Trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los supervisores de animación para garantizar que el programa de trabajo se ajuste a las normas de calidad.
Un mínimo de 3 años de experiencia en puestos de producción.
Experiencia en el uso de Shotgun o similar.
Experiencia en gestión de equipos, negociación y gestión de proyectos.
Alto nivel de inglés.
Se valorará experiencia en coproducciones internacionales.
Candidatas con experiencia en el montaje de largometrajes / series de animación, abarcando desde la creación de la animática hasta la entrega del máster.
Experiencia de 2 años.
Se valorarán conocimientos de Storyboard Pro, Shotgun y After Effects
Alto nivel de inglés
Storyboard artist
Candidat@s con buen conocimiento de los movimientos técnicos de cámara y la composición de planos.
Experiencia previa en largometrajes / series de animación.
Conocimientos de StoryBoard Pro o similar (corte, animación, sonidos, diálogos...) y programas de dibujo (Photoshop, etc).
Alto nivel de inglés
Character designer
Candidat@s para trabajar en el diseño de personajes y su correspondiente gama de expresiones en un largometraje de animación 3D, aportando diseños de gran calidad artística e información suficiente para el posterior modelado 3D
2 años de experiencia profesional en la industria de la animación.
Portfolio de diseños de personajes.
Compromiso para cumplir los plazos de entrega.
Actitud de colaboración, estableciendo una relación de trabajo eficaz y una comunicación fluida con el equipo.
Alto nivel de inglés.
Concept artist
Candidat@s para trabajar en el desarrollo visual de un largometraje de animación 3D, principalmnete en la creación de enviroments y props.
Portfolio profesional.
Buenas habilidades de dibujo y conceptualización.
Conocimientos anatómicos y arquitectónicos.
Conocimientos avanzados en Photoshop.
Conocimientos básicos de animación así como de los diferentes departamentos.
Alto nivel de inglés.
Alkimia Animation Studio
Animador@ 2D
Animador 2D tradicional, frame a frame, con ganas de aprender y salir de su zona de confort, que sea capaz de adaptarse a múltiples estilos de animación y estéticos.
Conocimientos de Toon Boom Harmony
Experiencia en animación
Background artist
Artista con experiencia en producciones de animación, capaz de adaptase a todo tipo de estilos y con ganas de innovar y aprender.
Conocimientos de Photoshop o Clip Studio
Clean up artist
Artista con conocimientos y alguna experiencia en clean up y color.
Conocimientos de Toon Boom Harmony
El Ranchito
Location: Madrid
Primary responsibilities:
Use relevant 3D software to work out the co-ordinates and movement of the physical camera and/or objects in a live action shot.
Work with other departments to ensure accurate camera tracks meet their needs.
Manage shot and sequence continuity as it relates to matchmove.
Handling camera distortion/undistortion workflow.
Deliver shots in the time and quality standards of the company and show.
Support and advise other artists with their tracking tasks.
3+ years of production experience working in a photo-real/live-action VFX pipeline.
A thorough understanding of 3D camera principles such as lenses, distortion, parallax, etc
Excellent understanding of cameras, camera techniques and working with LIDAR data.
Thorough knowledge of object tracking and 3D rotoscoping.
A good eye for detail and precision with strong problem-solving skills.
Expert Ftrack and Maya user.
Good communication and Spanish language skills.
EU citizenship or with an existing Spanish work permit.
Mid/Senior Crowd TD
Location: Madrid, Barcelona or Remote.
Become a part of the crew of crowd team in El Ranchito in charge of developing and maintaining the crowd pipeline. The crowd Artist TD will report to the Crowd Supervisor and VFX Supervisor.
Primary responsibilities:
Create a nice looking crowd shots according with the technical and creative needs. Determinate a list of necessary crowds behaviors based on agent actions.
Apply creative and technical skills to create great-looking crowds
Identify and breakdown behaviors into cycles for artists to animate
Work with the larger production to populate shots with crowds from early layout to final rendering
Works on production shots to produce crowd animation from several to several thousand people, animals.
Works to ensure balance, composition and timing requirements are implemented in a way that supports story and character performance.
Production experience in visual effects, or game industry.
Strong understanding of the filmmaking process in a large-scale VFX or CG animation production
Strong understanding of crowd agent design, simulation, and behavior
Ability to work in a collaborative environment
Strong knowledge in Maya
Strong knowledge in Golaem or other crowd software
Good sense of motion and choreography
Attention to detail
Good appreciation for the artistic and technical requirements
Ability to work in a team environment under tight deadlines
Seeks creative options to maximize re-use when applicable
Fluent Spanish and English language skills, spoken and in writing
Eligible to work in Spain
VFX supervisor
El supervisor de efectos visuales supervisará los equipos a nivel de proyecto, proporcionando liderazgo técnico y artístico.
Colabora con los productores en la creación de efectos visuales de alta calidad.
Trabajar en estrecha colaboración con Studio Heads para garantizar que se cumplan los requisitos y especificaciones del cliente.
Supervisar y orientar a los supervisores de CG y Comp a través de la producción a tiempo y presupuesto.
Monitorear el progreso del proyecto para asegurar que se cumplan los objetivos visuales, técnicos y de calidad.
Proporcione una dirección clara a todos los grupos de efectos visuales, establezca objetivos claros, monitoree el proceso y entregue resultados.
Proporcione comentarios y orientación diarios a los artistas de efectos visuales.
Gestionar las necesidades de producción del día a día.
Participa en lanzamientos y presentaciones para posibles trabajos de efectos visuales y ayuda a ofertar en nuevos proyectos, incluida la evaluación de tomas y la finalización de desgloses de tomas.
Experiencia previa en la industria cinematográfica y comercial de VFX, incluida la experiencia en la gestión de equipos y la asignación de tareas.
Más de 5 años de experiencia probada en un puesto de supervisión y un mínimo de 3 años de experiencia en producción general.
Un conocimiento profundo de los problemas técnicos / de canalización y un entorno de producción de efectos visuales típico.
Un buen conocimiento y experiencia en todas las áreas de Comp y 3D (modelado, rigging, texturizado, desarrollo de apariencia, criaturas FX, iluminación y FX).
Experiencia previa en formación, tutoría y contratación de artistas de efectos visuales.
Excelentes habilidades organizativas, comunicativas y de gestión de proyectos.
Excelentes habilidades en el idioma inglés y español, hablado y escrito.
Elegible para trabajar en España.
3D Generalist
The 3D generalist will work with the 3D supervisors in order to fully develop the CG assets/environments of a project, using several disciplines and softwares.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Create full photoreal CG assents/environments following the guidelines defined by client and supervisors.
To do all kind of 3D vfx assignments depending on project and skill set, including modelling, texturing, shading, lighting, rendering and environments.
Realizing the artistic vision of the VFX Supervisor with possible guidance from the CG Supervisor.
Be able to work with other departments (dmp, comp, layout, modelers) understanding their requirements.
Provide technical and artistic solutions.
Use the studio workflow and ensure all the upstream/downstream departments have what they require.
Consistently delivering shots that are creatively and technically excellent.
Proven experience building CG assets/environments (Assets, terrains, hard surface, vegetation, clouds etc).
Expert Maya user.
Minimum of 3-4 years working in a feature environment or equivalent high-res experience.
Good knowledge of Arnold/Vray.
Good knowledge of Mari/Substance.
Good knowledge of Zbrush.
Good knowledge of Houdini is a plus.
Experience with Nuke and Photoshop is preferable, at least for basic projections and cg layer management.
Flexibility to adapt to pipelines and a problem-solving mentality.
Fluent Spanish and English language skills, spoken and written.
Eligible to work in Spain.
Scripting is a plus.
VFX Supervisor
The VFX Supervisor is responsibly to define the creative direction of live-action episodic shots, identifying potential strategies, assessing technical options and evaluating production schedules in VFX artists departments.
The VFX Supervisor will oversee the teams at a project level, providing technical and artistic leadership.
Collaborates with Producers in creating high quality visual effects.
Work closely with Studio Heads to ensure client’s requirements and specifications are being meet.
Supervise and mentor CG and Comp supervisors through the production on time and budget.
Monitor the project progress to ensure that visual, technical and quality targets are being met.
Provide clear direction to all VFX groups, setting clear objectives, monitoring process and delivering results.
Provide daily feedback and guidance to the VFX artists.
Managing the day-to-day production needs.
Participates in pitching and presentations for potential VFX work and helping to bid on new projects including assessing shots and completing shot breakdowns.
Previous VFX film industry & Commercial experience, including experience with team management and task assignment.
5+ years proven experience in a Supervisory role and minimum of 3 years general production experience.
A thorough understanding of technical/pipeline issues and a typical VFX production environment.
A good knowledge and experience of all Comp and 3D areas (modeling, rigging, texturing, look development, creature FX, lighting and FX).
Previous experience in training, mentoring, and recruiting VFX artists.
Excellent organizational, communication and project management skills.
Excellent English and Spanish language skills, spoken and in writing.
Eligible to work in Spain.
IT Administrador de sistemas
Soporte en la infraestructura de producción de toda la empresa, incluidos servidores finales, red, firewalls y equipos de trabajos de los operadores.
Instalación y mantenimiento de aplicaciones.
Gestión de almacenamiento centralizado. NAS / SAN con tecnologías RAID, SAS, FC, Minisas.
Dar soporte a los técnicos de primer nivel y ayudar en las tareas de dicho nivel cuando la carga de trabajo así lo requiera.
Configuración y mantenimiento del sistema de alertas para poder realizar un seguimiento de las incidencias y realizar una respuesta rápida.
Realización, mantenimiento y configuración del backup y restauración de los mismos.
Documentar los procedimientos necesarios para asegurar la correcta comunicación y continuidad en el departamento.
Mantenimiento del inventario de hardware y software.
Capacidad para:
Resolver problemas técnicos complejos bajo presión y en el menor tiempo posible.
Diseñar, implementar y mantener soluciones utilizando la última tecnología para alcanzar los requerimientos de la empresa.
Trabajar en equipo así como ser pro-activo.
Comunicarse con el soporte de las aplicaciones y hardware de terceros en inglés.
Habilidad esenciales:
3-5 años Administrador de Sistemas Windows en entornos de más de 100 personas.
Conocimiento de Windows Server, Active Directory, DHCP, DNS, DFS / Namespace, FailOver Cluster,….
Conocimiento en el manejo y configuración de aplicaciones para instalaciones de software de forma remota (GSS o SCCM)
Conocimiento en algún lenguaje de scripting (Python, PowerShell, etc.)
Alta disponibilidad y sistemas distribuidos en almacenamiento.
Dirigir un proyecto así como a los técnicos de primer nivel.
Habilidades deseables:
Software de virtualización (Hyper-V o VMWare).
Monitorización de eventos (Nagios).
Utilización de aplicaciones para la configuración, integridad y mantenimiento de las aplicaciones instaladas en equipos y servidores (Chef, Ansible o Puppet).
Conocimiento en el entorno VFX (Maya, Nuke, Houdini,…).
Configuración WAN / LAN y VPN.
Conocimiento de Linux (CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.).
Se valoraran certificaciones de Microsoft (MCSA, MCSE), CISCO (CCNA), CEHv9 (o anteriores), CompTIA Security +
Grado en Ingeniería Informática / Técnico Superior Administrador Sistemas Informáticos (ASI o ASIR) o experiencia equivalente.
Nivel de Inglés Alto (B2 mínimo o equivalente).
I/O Technician
Data input/output (I/O) technicians are responsible for organizing, transferring and storing the computer files and data for a VFX production company. They make logs of all of the files that they receive and perform quality control checks on these files to see if there are problems or if the files are corrupted. They use file transfer programs in order to perform their role.
Primary responsibilities:
Scheduling, prioritizing and tracking I/O assignments.
Oversee the organization of project drives and data ingestion.
Receive client plates (turnover) via FTP or hard drives and organize accordingly.
Quality control of all material entering and leaving the studio.
Identifying and communicating with the CTO and the Production department any departmental pressure points, bottlenecks, and timeline adjustments.
Coordinating and monitoring multiple projects and tasks effectively.
Documenting departmental decisions and requests, and ensuring items are tracked and coordinated appropriately.
Help monitoring, manage and keep the render farm running at maximum capacity following production needs.
Monitor disk space usage and flag high disk or network usage over-night.
Excellent scheduling and task management skills.
Clear and strong communication skills, both verbal and written.
A professional and proactive attitude.
Working experience with Production-related applications is a plus: Shotgun.
Understanding of VFX Editorial & I/O workflows, and VFX processes (i.e., asset development, layout, mattepainting, animation, fx, lighting, and compositing).
0-2 years of professional experience. If you have worked in VFX or Animation industries will be a plus.
Basic understanding of system administration tools and processes.
Knowledge of farm managing software such us Deadline, Tractor or Qube is a plus.
Willingness to work flexible hours, including weekends and/or evenings.
Fluent Spanish and English language skills, spoken and in writing.
Eligible to work in Spain.
VFX Producer / Madrid
Primary responsibilities:
Providing cost estimations and bids
Working with the Visual Effects Supervisor in bidding new projects
Developing project schedules and planning their implementation
Budget an entire project accurately and make sure it’s kept within that budget
Monitoring the project progress to ensure that budgetary and scheduling targets are being met
Working with the Visual Effects Supervisor in evaluating and hiring staff
Interfacing with clients regarding budgetary and scheduling issues
Significant experience as a Producer in an established visual effects facility
In-depth knowledge of a CGI production workflow and of general film postproduction
Excellent communication, interpersonal and team leadership skills
Be incredibly well organized
Business acumen and an ability to balance financial responsibilities and negotiations
Organization, reliability and diligence
Proficient in using Microsoft Excel
Advance knowledge of Shotgun software (or similar)
Ability to motivate team members and to solve problems efficiently and patiently
Excellent Spanish and English language skills
EU citizenship.
VFX Compositing Teacher
The VFX Compositing Teacher will create, distribute and teach vfx courses to our artistic team. This person will collaborate with the Human Resources department on the creation of a training department at El Ranchito. This person will also collaborate with the Heads of each departments to create the content of the courses depending on the needs of our team.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Preparing course outline and monitoring and mentoring students.
Adjusting the courses to suit the needs of our team.
Set your own hours while you help students learn the subjects you love to teach.
Excellent knowledge of Nuke.
The ability to teach and manage course content.
Deep knowledge of VFX compositing theory: Compositing Pipeline, Colour Spaces, Keying, Lighting, 3d Integration, QC, Rotoscoping.The ideal candidate should have deep understanding of vfx production workflows.
Prove professional experience in teaching 2D and professional relationship with VFX and/or Animation companies.
Excellent communication skills and ability to creating learning materials.
Experience in production of VFX and meeting schedules.
Strong understanding of the vfx pipeline.
Python scripting knowledge is a plus.
Fluent Spanish OR English language skills, spoken and written.
Eligible to work in Spain.
Mid/Senior VFX Compositor
Location: Madrid or Barcelona. On-site job, preferably, but remote work might be possible depending on the project.
Primary responsibilities:
Compositing of live action shots with CG Elements
Recreate/extend sets based on available geometry and photographs
Consistently delivering shots that are creatively and technically excellent
Develop visual solutions for specific effects
Strong artistic background
Professional Nuke user
Minimum of 3 years feature film or equivalent high-res (2K) experience
Excellent knowledge of Nuke’s 3D environment
Extensive compositing experience for film
Good understanding of how to work with Alembics, camera projections and textures within Nuke
Basic working knowledge of Maya and Photoshop is a plus
Good communication skills as well as the ability to structure the workflow so that conceptual changes can be made efficiently
Ability to work well within a team
Fluent Spanish and English language skills, spoken and in writing
Eligible to work in Spain
Mid Pipeline developer
Type of contract: Full-time (100% remote)
Duration of the contract: Long-term
Job Description:
The Pipeline Developer is responsible for the design and development of workflows and tools tofacilitate the production process of ourprojects. In addition to having strong technical and software development skills, the Pipeline Dev is an excellent communicator, beingable to understand and communicate effectively between technical and non-technical developers and artists.
A degree in computer science, math or engineering is strongly preferred
3+ years of experience in Visual Effects, Computer Animation or other related fields.
Advanced in writing well architected, documented and tested in python 2.x/3.x and/or C++.
Experience with revision control systems such as Git or SVN is prefered.
Experience with PyQt or PySide.
Advanced skills with one or more software APIs: Maya, Houdini, Nuke, Arnold, Vray, Deadline, Unreal Engine and Shotgun
Experience with Visual Effects Asset Management System design or development is a plus.
Experience with Unreal Engine is a plus.
Desired skills and expertise:
Ability to communicate clearly and precisely
Excellent technical problem-solving skills
A positive and collaborative attitude
A keen interest in current and emerging technologies
Ability to work with tight deadlines
Senior DMP / Environment Artist
Creating photo-realistic digital matte paintings and environments for feature films
Assisting and developing the look of a shot or sequence with the supervision team
Work alongside the production team to establish schedules and technical requirements
Works in partnership with shader developer’s, lighters and compositors to ensure shots are delivered to the very highest standard.
Minimum 4 years of experience in a DMP Artist role in a VFX studio
Ability to demonstrate proficiency in creating photo-realistic DMPs required
Photoshop CS and a good working knowledge of professional 3D software (e.g. Maya)
Good working knowledge of 2.5D projection (e.g. Nuke)
Good team player
Great communication and problem solving skills
Able to communicate effectively across multiple teams
Fluent Spanish and English language skills, spoken and in writing
Eligible to work in Spain
La Tribu Animation
Concept artist
Perfiles para desarrollo de personajes, sets y props.
Conocimientos en Blender
2D Animador-Ilustrador
Perfiles para animación en 2D
Conocimientos en Blender
3D Layout artist
Perfiles para tareas de layout.
Conocimientos en Blender
Perruncho Studio
Animador 2D
Requisitos: Animación 2D digital.
Portfolio o reel de animación 2D.
Deseable conocimientos de suite adobe.
Preferiblemente Freelance
Animador stop motion
Portfolio o reel de animación stop motion.
Preferiblemente Freelance
Portfolio como dibujante de storyboard.
Preferiblemente Freelance
Técnico de videomapping
Persona con conocimientos técnicos para crear videomapping y/o proyecciones para instalaciones o eventos.
Con experiencia en videomapping o proyecciones para eventos.
Preferiblemente Freelance
Concept artist de personajes o fondos.
Portfolio como ilustrador
Preferiblemente Freelance
Desarrollador de aplicaciones
Profesional capaz de desarrollar aplicaciones táctiles para ordenador con diseño personalizado.
Experiencia demostrable como desarrollador.
Preferiblemente Freelance
Anima Kitchen
Animadores 3D Canarias MID_SENIOR
Requisitos: Creatividad e iniciativa propia para proponer ideas. Capacidad resolutiva a la hora de asumir un briefing para un proyecto creativo. Motivación y capacidad de trabajar bajo presión y con fechas de entregas.
Idiomas: Castellano, Inglés.
Animadores 3D Canarias MID_SENIOR
Pasión y habilidad demostradas en la animación 3D Dar vida a los personajes Conocimientos prácticos en técnicas de animación y de Maya.
Idiomas: Castellano, Inglés.
Auxiliar de producción-asistente
Persona muy ordenada, atenta a los detalles. Conocimiento de las diferentes fases de la producción en animación. Motivación al trabajo en equipo.
Iniciativa propia para proponer ideas. Motivación y capacidad de trabajar bajo presión y con fechas de entregas.
Planificación y seguimiento a los progresos y necesidades de distintos departamentos.
Coordinación de Producción
Persona muy ordenada, atenta a los detalles.
Conocimiento de las diferentes fases de la producción en animación.
Motivación al trabajo en equipo, pues estará en comunicación constante con los diferentes departamentos.
Iniciativa propia para proponer ideas.
Motivación y capacidad de trabajar bajo presión y con fechas de entregas.
Idiomas: Inglés. Es un plus para el puesto, aunque no es indispensable.
Editor y Compositor Digital 3d
Editar las animáticas y archivos finales de los diferentes proyectos, incluyendo la incrustación de pistas finales de sonido.
Realizar el exportado final de conformado y delivery en el formato requerido por los diferentes clientes.
Realizar un trabajo de alta calidad de forma constante y solucionar problemas técnicos en los planos asignados en términos de trabajo estético y técnico y comunicarse de manera efectiva con otros artistas / supervisores del equipo.
Componer e integrar elementos de forma eficaz y sin problemas con el material de producción mediante diferentes técnicas de composición.
Conocimiento de Nuke y After Effects y experiencia en composición.
El conocimiento de los siguientes programas se considera un plus: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Media Encoder Unreal Engine Habilidades de programación y escritura.
Iluminador 3d
Conocimiento de Arnold y Maya Si tiene algún conocimiento de Unreal, básico, estaría genial Conocimiento de Fotografía y composición de plano Reel de iluminación cartoon.
Layout 3d
Es el responsable de importar los assets, establecer los encuadres y animar las cámaras de la escena 3D. Aporta una visión cinematográfica basada en las referencias 3d del storyboard y/o del animatic manteniendo la intención del Director.
Responsable de:
Interpretar y conceptualizar el guión de acuerdo con las indicaciones del Director.
Crear las escenas en Maya y los planos importando los personajes, props y escenarios de acuerdo con el storyboard y los desgloses de Producción.
Marcar las poses clave de los personajes y props que permitan identificar sus acciones y movimientos.
Establecer las posiciones de cámara, ópticas y tamaños de plano, y animarlos si procede.
Hacer propuestas narrativas que contribuyan a mejorar la comprensión de los planos y secuencias.
Conocimiento avanzado de Autodesk Maya.
Movilidad para trabajar en nuestra sede de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Modelador Shading
Mínimo de 2 años de experiencia demostrable en modelado de personajes y props para series de animación 3D.
Modelado avanzado con Maya y shading con Maya y Arnold.
Conocimiento de los flujos de trabajo de una producción de animación 3D.
Rigger 3d
Set-up characters y props con esqueletos y deformadores.
Revisar que los modelos cumplan con los requisitos técnicos necesarios para facilitar las deformaciones.
Trabajar estrechamente con el director técnico de animación, para proporcionar a los animadores las mejores rigs para realizar su trabajo, para ello uno de las labores será estudiar el animatic.
Habilidad de crear rigs que permitan un amplio rango de movimiento y múltiples posibilidades con lógica y fácil uso para el animador.
Al menos 5 años de experiencia en producción.
Conocimientos de workflow de animación y modelado.
Conocer maya, manejarse dentro de nodeEditor, utility nodes y expresiones
Visual Development Art en Photoshop Juniors
Crear y/o retocar texturas adaptándolas al estilo de los diferentes proyectos.
Diseño gráfico de cartelería y elementos para marketing tales como logos y tipografías.
Creación de fondos gráficos para la producción. Realizar animaciones 2D secundarias de efectos especiales.
Manejo experto de Photoshop y Cintiq así como otros programas de diseño.
Buena percepción del espacio, los volúmenes y la composición visual.
Soltura en Maya para visualizar assets
Conocimientos de programas de texturizado como Substance Painter o Mari.
Conocimientos de Toom Boom y Adobe Animate es un plus.
FREELANCE Senior production animation (FILM/TV) manager.
Requisitos: Extensive knowledge regarding COST ESTIMATES in 2D and 3D. Excel a Must.
Senior 2D Animator
2/3 years of experience in the animation industry. -Previous experience in projects using Toon Boom Harmony software (cut-out, hand drawn) -Previous experience in series or movies.
Advanced knowledge of English and basic level of Spanish.
Lead 3D/2D Animator
Strong knowledge in Autodesk Maya Knowledge ot Shotgun Previous experience in series or movies. Residence in Europe or European VISA is a plus.
Strong written and verbal communications skills.
Advanced knowledge of English and Spanish.
Ability to relocate in our Tenerife studio (Canary Islands, Spain)
IT Manager
Ability to relocate in our Tenerife studio (Canary Islands, Spain) Thorough knowledge of the studio pipeline and workflow of animation productions for films and series.
Strong knowledge in software related to 3D pipeline (Maya, Arnold, Blender, etc.)
Experience with Linux, Mac and Windows operating systems A degree in Computer Science, or equivalent experience
Background in Animation (a plus)Strong written and verbal communications skills.
Advanced knowledge of English and Spanish.
Ability to relocate in our Tenerife studio (Canary Islands, Spain)
FREELANCE Video Editor
Advance Knowledge of English & Spanish Creative mindset
Previous experience in Media (series & movies)
General Knowledge of the Entertainment Industry (Kids Content is a plus)
Knowledge about Digital Marketing Content Strategy (specially YouTube) Strong editing video skills (premiere)
2D Compositing 2D Compositing (Toon Boom Harmony)
The 2D Compositing Artist will participate in the post-production phase of the project combining the artwork of each department and creating special effects.
Main Responsibilities:
Applying lights, shadows, particles, masks, and parallax in Toon Boom Harmony
Apply highlights and shadows to characters
Work under the Compositing Supervisor/Director and the Art Director.
Quality control of the end product.
Matte painting for challenging lightning effects.
Applying lights, shadows, particles, mask and paralax in Toon Boom Harmony
Knowledge in the use of masks and paralax
Knowledge of audiovisual language, composition, color and perspective.
Proficiency in Toon Boom Harmony Premium 20 Knowledge in After Effects is a plus
Advanced knowledge of English and Spanish
European nationality and residence or permission to work in Spain.
Ability to work in our Tenerife studio (Canary Islands, Spain)(premiere)
3Doubles Producciones
Requisitos: Junior (Poco o nada experiencia); MID (mínimo 2 proyectos demostrables); Senior (mínimo cuatro años de experiencia). Deseable poseer bases de programación.
Inglés Intermedio. Se valorará otro idioma.
Excelente conocimiento de scripting de Python, Jscript. Excelente comprensión de 3D en general (modelado, luz, simulación); Conocimientos de Softimage, Maya o 3DS Max. Conocimientos básicos de rig; comprensión básica del pipeline de animación. Conocimientos y experiencia con Maya.
Inglés Intermedio. Se valorará otro idioma.
Tener sentido artístico para entender las propiedades de las luces (color, intensidad, ángulo…).
Entender el uso de cámaras para manipularlas virtualmente en relación al tratamiento de la luz (exposición, velocidad de obturación, lentes).
Experiencia previa en otras producciones.
Conocer a la perfección los principios de la animación. Preferiblemente buena base de animación tradicional.
Experiencia en 3D Studio Max, Maya y After Effects
Inglés intermedio. Se valorará otro idioma.
Pipeline Developers
Tener una licenciatura o un título equivalente en informática, animación 3D o experiencia laboral equivalente.
Tener experiencia en un entorno de producción; animación, videojuegos o experiencias equivalentes.
Tener una comprensión excelente a nivel de producción:
Procedimientos e idiomas de programación orientados a objetos.
Control de versiones y gestión de activos digitales a gran escala modular.
Diseño e implementación de sistemas en una biblioteca compleja.
Tener un buen conocimiento de la iluminación y la superficie.
Conocer los conceptos de cacé de geometría / Curva
Tener un conocimiento adecuado de las tecnologías de producción / TI / SI.
Saber diseñar kits de herramientas para crear interfaces de usuario.
Comprender los formatos de archivo y los datos utilizados en animación y VFX.
Experiencia en Linux.
Integración de terceros en el desarrollo de canalizaciones y complementos para Maya, Zbrush, Mari, Guerilla o Katana, Arnold, Renderman
Conocimiento obligatorio de Python Scripting.
Conocimiento preferente de Shotgun, Tank, Nuke, RV, P y QT o PySide
Inglés intermedio. Se valorará otros idiomas.
Skydance Animation
CFX Senior Artist
You will create the highest quality grooms, hair shading and look development for the characters in the productions. Join our studio and develop dynamic rigs for characters and execute CFX work in shots, including character simulations as well as geometry and groom correctives.
Actively contribute to enhancing the effects of the films’ characters, while working cohesively with your team to provide a stronger creative and technical working environment.
Participate in the development of department tools and techniques.
Provide support, guidance and instruction in areas that contribute towards the teams artistic and professional growth.
Follow the Supervisors and Lead's guidance to deliver the highest quality work, matching the look and feel of the film.
Work closely with the production team to ensure the desired work is delivered within the established pipeline and that deadlines are met.
Ability to perform multiple tasks, set priorities and problem solve.
4+ years of experience in a CFX/FX/Rigging or Technical Animator role in a production environment (asset).
At least one of the following areas of expertise: Fur, hair, shading/lookdev simulation rigs; cloth simulation rigs; muscle, tissue, skin, fat, flesh simulation rigs; high-quality cloth, hair, skin simulations and correctives for shot work in production.
Strong working experience in dynamic simulation engines as well as in grooming workflows, either proprietary or off-the-shelf.
You will be integrated into the lighting team and working closely with the Lighting Supervisor and Leads in developing compositing templates for the show, improving compositing workflows, and supporting the team, in addition to doing some shotcompositing work.
Keep up on current artistic methodologies that best suit the production and the company, in the development of a stronger creative environment.
Work under the artistic supervision of the Lighting Sequence Lead in charge of sequence.
Takes care of the more complex compositing shots of the sequence, if needed.
Defines the comp template for the sequence, ensuring it’s clean, documented and easy to understand by the lighting artists, supervising and assisting them in the correct use of it.
Works closely with the FX and Matte Painting departments to define the strategies and workflows regarding the render layers structure for the sequence.
Works with the Lighting Sequence Lead and the Compositing Lead to develop gizmos, effects, specific looks or applications for the sequence, if needed.
Attends with the Lighting Sequence Lead to the complexity meetings and assist him/her to elaborate the bid of the sequence..
Defines along with the Lighting Sequence Lead the compositing strategy for the sequence. • Attends the reviews with the Supervisor/Directors, supporting and giving compositing advice to the Lighting Lead, if needed.
Mentor lighting artists in technical procedures and workflows.
Works together with the team providing them with support, guidance and instruction in areas that contribute towards their artistic and professional growth.
4 years of professional experience in mono and stereo digital compositing.
Minimum 2 years of experience in compositing for animation feature films.
In depth knowledge of Nuke.
Experience developing compositing templates/gizmos/tools, ideally shared with other artists.
Deep understanding of lighting rendering passes and AOV’s.
Self-motivated and comfortable working with deadlines.
Strong artistic eye and understanding of colour, lighting and image analysis.
Previous experience with Deep Compositing workflows.
Python scripting is desirable.
English: full professional proficiency.
Concept Senior Artist
You will hold a key creative position within the studio, contributing to the vision of the movie. You will be an instrumental member of the team and report to the Concept Designer.
Work effectively with the Production Designer and Art Director to ensure consistent visual direction and artistic results.
Provide guidance and inspire the team to create concept art in an efficient and timely manner.
Create art for film concepts, environments, backgrounds, color keys, lighting and prop design.
Create presentation materials as needed, researching the design of the work.
Rework material from feedback and notes, while maintaining a fresh perspective.
Keep up on current artistic methodologies and on technology trends and tools that best suit the production and the company in the development of a stronger creative and technical environment.
4+ years of professional experience in VFX, video games or animation industries.
3+ years of experience in the animation industry.
Strong drawing and painting skills.
Working knowledge of tools and software such as Cintiq, Photoshop, or other applicable design software.
Advanced oral and written English.
Crowds Technical Director
You will be a member of the crowd team in developing and maintaining crowd shots for production.
Work on production sequences to produce crowd shots from several to thousand agents crowd framework.
Maintain a consistent level of productivity while meeting deadlines and producing high quality work.
Work closely with the Lead / Supervisor.
Capability to organize and maintain complex crowd data.
2+ years of professional experience in VFX.
1+ years of experience in the animation industry.
Professional experience working with crowd software a benefit.
Understanding of crowd systems: agents, behavior, simulation.
Strong proficiency in Maya.
Experience with Houdini a benefit.
Proficiency with scripting languages (i.e. Maya Mel, Python, etc.) C/C++
Experience in rigging, animation and cloth simulation are pluses.
Proficient in English
Environment Surfacing Artist
You will be involved in many aspects of the look, working in coordination with production designer and Art department to deliver a visually impressive look.
Paint textures utilizing photography and pre-existing textures.
Paint stylized textures from concepts following the look of the show.
Create procedural textures from Substance designer.
Ability to create, adapt, and iterate, within a variety of artistic styles.
Collaborate with other team members, when necessary.
Follows the Supervisor’s and Lead's guidance.
2-4 years of professional experience in VFX or animation industries.
At least 1 year of experience in the animation industry is desirable.
Deep knowledge making uv's.
Knowledge of skinning, rigging, technical constraints and optimization.
Knowledge of hard surface modeling.
Extensive experience with Mari, Maya, Substance Designer & Painter, Arnold render.
Experience with traditional drawing and/or painting a plus.
Proficient in English
Layout Artist
You will generate the previsualization of the film and refine the final camera movements, in accordance with the established storytelling guidelines, working closely with the Layout Leads.
Work on the creation of the movie preview stream, according to the Director's guidelines and reporting to the Lead.
Work with the Layout Lead and Art Director to design and build simple schematics for set and props models.
Create a rough layout, defining a blocking of character animation and cameras, following the previously marked storytelling.
Ensure a proper breakdown of the scene as well as good management of their own work.
Provide support with refining final camera movements.
Collaborate with other teams, as necessary.
Desirable editing skills, not so much at the technical level but more at the level of keeping the rhythm of a sequence and storytelling
2-4 years of professional experience in VFX or animation industries.
At least 1-2 years of experience in layout departments with storytelling.
Knowledge of Maya.
Proficient in English
Lighting Artist
You will work on lighting and compositing under the Lighting Supervisor.
Work under the artistic supervision of the Lighting Supervisor.
Work on the lighting and compositing of the shots assigned until the final delivery.
Make sure the render times of the shots assigned are optimized and stay within budget.
Collaborate with other team members, when necessary.
Follows the Supervisor’s and Lead's guidance.
2-4 years of experience in lighting and compositing in the animation industry.
Intermediate knowledge of Maya, Arnold and Nuke.
Self-motivated and comfortable working with deadlines.
Strong artistic eye and understanding of color, lighting and image analysis.
Scripting and Python a plus.
Strong proficiency in English language.
Spanish: full professional proficiency is a plus.
Lighting Senior Artist
You will work on lighting and compositing of shots alongside the Lighting Lead and Supervisor.
Work under the artistic supervision of the Lighting Supervisor.
Work on the lighting and compositing of the shots assigned until the final delivery.
As needed, create the master lighting simple sequences, following the references from the Art Department and under the artistic supervision of the Lighting Supervisor.
Define the lighting rig and compositing template, together with the Compositing team, that will be used by the team.
Work, together with the Lighting Lead, on optimization strategies to make sure the render of the sequence stays in budget.
Assume the tasks of the Lighting Lead when he/she is away.
4+ years of experience in lighting and compositing.
2+ years of experience in lighting and compositing for animation feature films.
Advanced knowledge of Maya, Arnold, and Nuke.
Self-motivated and comfortable working with deadlines.
Strong artistic eye and understanding of color, lighting and image analysis.
Scripting and Python a plus.
Experience working with procedural multi-shot workflows and sequence-based lighting is a plus.
Proficient in English.
Spanish proficiency a plus
Senior Rigger
You will work closely with the Rigging Supervisor and a variety of departments including; R&D, Art, Modelling, Layout and Animation to develop, implement, maintain and support character and prop deformation rigs for use in both Layout and Animation.
Creative use of deformers to achieve a specific deformation called for by Animation with a concise set of animation controls.
Following a brief to produce complex production ready rig deformation of a high standard.
Working with Animators to aid with deformation rigs and/or a broad range of motion requirements.
Supporting rigs as they move through the pipeline and aid with additional deformation fixes for character shot.
Keep up on current artistic methodologies and on technology trends and tools that best suit the production and the company, in the development of a stronger creative and technical environment.
Develop new techniques and processes to solve unique and technical character production challenges.
Work together with the team providing them with support, guidance and instruction in areas that contribute towards their artistic and professional growth.
Follow the Supervisor’s and Lead's guidance.
4+ years of professional experience in VFX or animation industries.
Experience sculpting the face and working with facial blend shapes.
Anatomical knowledge of facial muscles and their function.
Experience using Maya in a production environment.
Experience shot sculpting in a high-pressure feature film environment.
Experience with both mechanical and/or organic type rigs with preference in feature animation.
Advanced Python, GUI scripting and the ability to follow strict coding standards.
Birdland Animation
Lead Rigging Artist
Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the rigging
team, ensuring that the rigging systems for characters and props and animation interfaces are designed and created.
Create, maintain and expand Rigs for a variety of props, vehicles, characters and other CG objects that need to be animated.
Oversee the daily activities, leading the department, and establishing best practiceworkflows and guidelines for the team
Meet production deadlines and maintain regular communication with the production team
In conjunction with the CG Supervisor, mentoring, managing, developing, training and evaluating the performance of the rigging team members.
Implements animation control rigging systems for complex characters and props using Maya
Collaborate closely with Animation, Modelling and Shading departments to best achieve the intended animation performance requirements
Keeps CG Supervisor and Head of Production advised on various issues, including resources, deadlines and delays.
Develops tools and plug-ins to optimize animation and rigging workflow
Research and recommend techniques and ideas to improve production
Work closely with the Pipeline team to improve rigging technology
5+ years of experience in episodic animation, or Feature Animation
Demonstrated knowledge and technical skills relating to character rigging and animation
Solid understanding of animation process and needs
Good understanding of anatomy and articulation
Knowledge in Python
Excellent knowledge in Maya
Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a team, often with multiple tasks and under deadline pressure
Excellent at communicating creative and technical thoughts and ideas in a positive, professional manner
Experience with Shotgun would be helpful
Fluent in English
Willing to move to Canary Islands
3D Animator
The 3D animator will be responsible of the high quality animation of our web series characters.
The 3D animator will work closely with the production team in order to get realistic characters in the animation process.
The ideal candidate profile:
Previous experience in a similar position
Solid knowledge about posing, weight and timing in Motion
Knowledge about Maya
Team working skills (communication, leading and prioritization of daily tasks)
Technnical comprehension on characters and rigs.
VFX Mid/Senior
Job description:
Creates a wide variety of realistic effects and 2d effecs, including but not limited to destruction, smoke, fire, and water.
Works under the guidance of multiple supervisors to achieve the desired level of aesthetic quality and technical accuracy, often exploring different approaches and looks.
Works with the CG supervisor to produce various elements using presets and templates, and to expand and improve upon these templates.
Revises simulations based on client and supervisor feedback in a timely manner.
Works within the established pipeline and offer constructive suggestions to improve the process.
Helps develop and explore new ways to enhance results.
Helps team debug issues and learn new methods.
Qualifications & Experience:
Creative ability and artistic talent, demonstrated by previous work.
Able to build systems that can create complex FX yet simple, intuitive, and easy to control.
Demonstrated knowledge of Houdini.
Desired knowledge of Python, The Houdini Object Model (HOM) , and VEX.
Knowledge of one or more renderer commonly used in production such as Redshift.
Software Requirements:
Houdini (required)
Position based in Gran Canaria
Head of Production (International Services)
Key duties:
Develop best practices and improve production processes
Set / maintain guidelines, goals and good performance
Manage and develop employees and creative operations
Work with HR Manager and Outsourcing Manager to hire new members of the team
Oversee and work with IT Manager / CG Supervisor departments for internal goals and project-related needs (rendering, security, plug-ins, scaling studio, deliveries...)
General 'housekeeping' of daily and weekly tasks of overseeing budgets, invoices and timesheets with production team
Lead the weekly production meeting
Assessing project and resource requirements
Estimating, negotiating and agreeing budgets and timescales with clients and managers
Determining quality control standards
Overseeing production processes
Re-negotiating timescales or schedules as necessary
Organising the repair and routine maintenance of production equipment
Liaising with buyers and marketing and sales staff
Organising relevant training session
About you:
5 years minimum experience in 3D and 2D animation company
Exceptional communication skills, both written and oral in English and Spanish.
Strong management skills. Possesses natural leadership and organizational skills
Strong analytical and organizational skills with the ability to prioritize tasks and delegate accordingly.
Does not shy from diplomatic conflict resolution / management (Problem Solver!)
Ability to work independently, take initiative, and think ahead, as well as be highly collaborative
Ability to multitask and supervise multiple ongoing projects, budgets and timelines
Advanced skills in Gantt pro, Google Drive, SHOTGUN and other task management software
Interest and passion in operations oversight, including front desk
Passion in fostering young artists (creative interns) and production coordinators
Clint is good
Generalista 3D
La persona que se incorpore se dedicará al desarrollo de piezas de motion graphics 2D generalmente enfocado a publicidad.
Conocimiento de after effects / Photoshop + illustrator. Será valorado el conocimiento de Duik. Se valorará positivamente el conocimiento de la técnica frame a frame (Animate/ Toonboom…)
Platige Image
Job Offers:
Creating scenes and shots by place characters, props, and environments according to the storyboard or previz.
Defining camera angles and animating them.
Executing the corrections requested by the Lead, Supervisor, or Director.
Solving everyday problems.
Required Skills & Experience:
At least 2-years’ experience desired in a relevant field.
– Very good knowledge of Maya.
– Motion capture-based animation experience proved in a demo reel.
– Strong ability of narration and a working knowledge of the principles of staging, blocking, and camera work.
– Solid knowledge of animation principles and an eye for dynamic poses.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines.
– Excellent communication skills.
– Strong fine arts foundation skills, such as storyboarding, figure drawing, or 2D animation.
– Experience with face animation using Faceware or similar software.
We are working remotely, but our doors are open for those who would like to come by our studio, located in the green surroundings of Fort Mokotów/Warsaw/Poland.
Compo Artist
Performing all the tasks associated with the compositing process, including 2D and 3D tracking, rotoscoping, painting, matte extraction, layering of elements, CG integration, and color grading.
– Seamless integration of live-action, miniature and CGI sources.
– Work closely with the Supervisor to composite the numerous elements that complete visual effects shot.
– Follow the production process and develop creative approaches and problem-solving.
Required Skill & Experience
– Minimum of 2 years of digital compositing experience in a feature film, animation, games or commercial production environment and at least 2 years’ experience of leading the team, or a project.
– Working knowledge of Nuke on an advanced level.
– Gizmo creation for current production needs.
– Ability to work on shots sequence and maintain overall consistency and quality.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines.
– Excellent communication skills.
- Working knowledge of Maya on an expert level and basic level Nuke Python scripting.
– Deep understanding of all aspects of 3D and VFX pipeline steps.
– Portfolio of traditional arts (painting, drawing, photography, filmmaking) match moving and camera layout skills.
G / VFX Supervisor
Preparing breakdowns and schedules based on script and treatments.
– Preparing a project brief for Artists, Freelancers, and Outsource.
– Supervision over the technical and artistic progress of the work.
– Understanding and interpreting the Director’s intentions.
– Supporting Producers in contact with clients.
Required Skill & Experience
– Minimum 3 years’ experience in a similar role and previous experience as a 3D Artist.
– Thorough understanding of the CG and VFX production process.
– Solid knowledge of all other disciplines within VFX and CG, including modeling, rendering, animation, texturing, lighting, shading, effects, and rigging.
– Experience in working with software: Maya, Nuke or Houdini.
– Ability to prioritize and work on multiple tasks at a time while remaining efficient and mindful of strict deadlines in a high pressure environment.
– Ability to work efficiently with various personalities and different work styles; proactive problem solving skills.
– Great communication skills both written and verbal.
– A collaborative work ethic.
– Fluent English is essential.
– Experience working with the SHOTGUN.
– Keen eye for art.
– Solid PM skills (tools and general methodologies in project management).
FX junior artist
Under the supervision of FX Lead, you’ll be responsible for the creation of the digital visual effects and diverse simulations with different techniques in Houdini for game cinematics and films.
– Work closely with a team to help refine the FX pipeline and processes.
– Cooperate with Lighting Artists and Compo Artists to ensure all effects work smoothly within the pipeline.
Required Skill & Experience
Passion for CGI and all kind of FX simulations.
– Previous experience with effects simulation work.
– At least basic knowledge of SideFX Houdini.
– A good eye for movement, scale and look.
– Lot of self-motivation and good communication skills.
– Knowledge of rendering and compositing.
Junior Previs Artist
Supporting team in translation of storyboards into 3D previz that consist of sequence of shots with outstanding timing, pacing and composition, including camera positioning and movement, characters blocking, rough animation, and environment layout.
– Creation of proxy 3D assets.
– Working with motion capture data.
– Participate as a member of the team in bringing the director’s vision to life, accept feedback and work together to push project quality.
Required Skill & Experience
Basic knowledge of cinematic language, staging, blocking, composition, and camera work.
– Basic knowledge of Maya and/or Motion Builder with focus on animation.
– Basic understanding of the editing process.
– A willingness to learn new skills and tools.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines within established pipeline.
– Very good communication skills and good command of English.
– A genuine interest in games, film, and/or animation.
– Any production experience in CG animation or VFX.
– Film or Art School degree in a relevant field.
– Experience working with motion capture data and/or keyframe animation skill.
– Experience in storyboarding, 2D animation, non-commercial animation shorts, photography.
Junior Texturing Artist
Working with the production team to execute the desired look of CG models, including complex characters and creatures and hard surface models like weapons, real-world vehicles, and props. Collaborating with the CG Supervisor and Texturing Lead to determine the look of the CG objects of the project.
– Maintaining good team dynamics.
– Solving everyday problems.
– Thinking creatively and globally.
Required Skill & Experience
At least 2-years’ experience in surfacing, texture painting or look development.
– Solid knowledge of Substance Painter.
– A keen eye for color and detail as it relates to organic models is a must
– Very good knowledge of Maya and Arnold.
– A clear understanding of UV’s.
– Excellent communication skills.
– Working knowledge of Zbrush, Mari, and Photoshop.
– Previous production experience in cinematics/VFX or game dev.
– Experience with traditional drawing and painting.
Previs Artist
Translation of storyboards into 3D previz that consist of sequence of shots with outstanding timing, pacing and composition, including camera positioning and movement, characters blocking, rough animation and environment layout.
– Creation of proxy 3D assets.
– Working with motion capture data.
– Editing previz footage and ensuring continuity between shots.
– Keeping an eye on technical aspects and delivering scenes for other departments in orderly manner.
– Participate as a member of the team in bringing the director’s vision to life, accept feedback and work together to push project quality.
Required Skill & Experience
At least 2 years of previous experience in a relevant position or as in-game cinematic artist proven by a reel.
– A good working knowledge of cinematic language, staging, blocking, composition, and camera work.
– Good knowledge of Maya and/or Motion Builder.
– Experience working with motion capture data and/or good keyframe animation skill.
– Basic understanding of the editing process.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines within established pipeline.
– Excellent communication skills and good command of English.
– A genuine interest in games, film and animation.
– Film or Art School degree in a relevant field.
– Experience in storyboarding, 2D animation, non-commercial animation shorts, photography.
– Knowledge of 3ds Max or any other 3d DCC software, game engines, Adobe Premiere Pro, and/or Shotgun.
Lead Compo Artist
Assigning tasks associated with the compositing process, including full CG and VFX projects.
– Providing artistic and technical feedback to Compo, Lighting, Matte Paint and FX Team.
– Together with Supervisor evaluate the creative and technical approach for assigned shots.
– Solving everyday problems.
– Thinking creatively and globally.
Required Skill & Experience
Minimum of 5 years of digital compositing experience in a feature film, animation, or commercial production environment and at least 2 years’ experience of leading the team, or a project.
– Working knowledge of Nuke on an expert level.
– Gizmo creation for current production needs.
– Ability to work on shots sequence and maintain overall consistency and quality.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines.
– Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively with other artists.
Deep understanding of all aspects of 3D and VFX pipeline steps.
Working knowledge of Maya on an expert level and basic level Nuke Python scripting.
Portfolio of traditional arts (painting, drawing, photography, filmmaking).
Lead Texturing Artist
Assigning tasks associated with the texturing and shading for complex characters and creatures, and hard surface models like weapons, real-world vehicles, and props.
– Together with Supervisor evaluate the creative and technical approach for assigned shots.
– Mentoring and leading artists in their skills development, and providing them artistic and technical feedback.
– Inventing and taking a part in creating new solutions for team workflow, optimizing and developing the technology related to textures and shading.
– Maintaining good team dynamics.
– Showing initiative and solving everyday problems.
Required Skill & Experience
At least 5-years’ experience in surfacing, texture painting or look development and at least 2 years’ experience of leading the team, or a project.
– Previous production experience in cinematics/VFX or game dev.
– Expert knowledge of Substance Painter and Arnold and very good knowledge of Maya.
– Working knowledge of Zbrush, Mari, and Photoshop.
– Ability to look at a task/project/work from various angles (ability to see different shades of grey!) and willing to suggest changes within the team.
– A keen eye for color and detail as it relates to organic models is a must
– A clear understanding of UV’s.
– Experience with traditional drawing and painting.
Matte Painting Department Lead
Setting the direction and maintaining standards for the department.
– Quality checking the output of the department on all shows, before wider team review.
– Responsibility for reviewing the artist’s work on regular basis as well as taking part in project reviews
– Working closely with Team Producer to assign team resources, produce realistic schedules, and ensure project deadlines are met.
– Along with our Team Producer, working actively to build and manage the team through recruitment and career development.
Required Skill & Experience
– 5+ years relevant professional experience, preferably in a leadership role in animation, film or gaming industry.
– BA in fine arts, architecture, design or related fields.
– Setting the direction and maintaining standards for the department.
– Must have an extensive knowledge of Matte Painting techniques and precise timing requirements to ensure accuracy of bids.
– Quality checking the output of the department on all shows, before wider team review.
– Responsibility for reviewing the artist’s work on regular basis as well as taking part in project reviews.
– Passion for stylized projects.
– Passion for movies and animation.
Outsource Manager
Maintain solid creative relationships with existing partners and build valuable relations with new vendors.
– Ability to understand market trends and unique partner models, proactively evaluate current processes and improve outsource practices to maximize efficiency in our pipeline.
– Match production teams with the right vendors with product vision in mind.
– Communicate the project vision, the technical and artistic specifications of the mandate effectively.
– Working closely with our Production Teams, New Business, and the Board.
Required Skill & Experience
– At least four years of experience in the video production industry.
– Experienced in establishing and maintaining effective and professional relationships with top partners.
– Highly experienced and proficient in working with outsourcing partners towards creating high-quality assets that meet our requirements.
– Must be able to organize and schedule work effectively and work well under time constraints.
– Not afraid of handling multiple tasks with changing priorities and communicating changes in scope.
– Knowledge of outsourcing production pipelines is desirable.
– Excellent negotiation and problem-solving skills.
– Self-motivated, flexible individual with solid managing skills.
– Team player capable of adapting to changing production demands as well as ability to communicate clearly.
– In-depth knowledge of the animation production processes, with a particular focus on object creation.
– Knowledge of production software, including Excel and Shotgun.
– Previous experience in a similar role.
Phyton Developer
Developing in-house Python tools that shape and automate the production of computer graphics.
– Adapting our tools to support new workflows and technologies.
– Exploring opportunities for technical or workflow improvements.
– Cooperating with team members and artists to better understand the needs and implement smart solutions.
– Participating in the code review process.
– Maintaining and supporting the use of existing tools.
Required Skill & Experience
Minimum 2 years of professional programming experience.
– Good knowledge of Python.
– Good problem solving and communication skills.
– English at least on a communicative level.
– Experience with using version control systems.
– Experience in environments: Game Dev, Commercials, Cinematics, VFX.
– Knowledge of Maya, Nuke, Houdini, C++, CMake, Qt/PySide, pytest, Linux, Docker, CI/CD, Git, GitLab, Shotgun Software, Qube! or Deadline render managers, Elasticsearch, SQL or NoSQL databases.
– Experience with agile working practices.
Senior Animator
Creating scenes and shots by place characters, props and environments according to the storyboard or previz.
– Defining camera angles and animating them.
– Executing the corrections requested by the Supervisor and the Director.
– Solving everyday problems.
Required Skill & Experience
– At least 5-years’ experience desired in a relevant field or 3 years’ experience as an in-game Cinematic Artist.
– Excellent knowledge of Maya.
– Motion capture-based animation experience proved in the demo reel.
– Strong ability of narration and a working knowledge of the principles of staging, blocking and camera work.
– Solid knowledge of animation principles and eye for dynamic poses.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines.
– Excellent communication skills.
– Strong fine arts foundation skills, such as storyboarding, figure drawing or 2D animation.
– Experience with face animation using Faceware or similar software.
– Extensive knowledge of Motion Builder.
Senior Compo Artist
– Creating high-quality digital composites and visual effects for our projects.
– Tracking (both 2D and 3D), matte extraction, layering of elements, and colour grading.
– Seamless integration of live-action, miniature and CGI sources.
– Work closely with CG Supervisors to composite the numerous factors that complete the visual effects shot.
– Follow production process and develop creative approaches and problem-solving.
Required Skill & Experience
At least 3-years’ experience in a similar position.
– Experience in compositing with Nuke for advanced VFX projects.
– A keen eye for detail.
– Ability to work under tight deadlines.
– Excellent communication skills.
Senior Producer
Planning, evaluating, and managing production process in cooperation with Supervisor.
– Ensuring that deadlines are met for each task assigned, daily verifications, and adjustments of schedules and budget.
– Tracking and mitigating risks appearing in the development.
– Preparing and presenting the progress of the project to Client.
– Managing work of outsource companies.
Required Skill & Experience
– At least 5 years’ experience with production management in 3d animation, movies/TV series production, game development, post-production, or related field.
– Proven ability to effectively work across teams involved in a post-production workflow.
– Excellence in prioritization and running projects end-to-end, ability to independently operationalize complex projects.
– Solid PM skills (tools and general methodologies in project management).
– Proactivity, independence, ability to cooperate with different Clients, and strong communication skills;
– Fluent English is essential.
– Knowledge of Shotgun.
– A keen eye for art.
Senior FX Artist
Working closely with the FX Lead, Supervisor and Team Producer to create the most astonishing projects.
– Using artistic and technical skills to design realistic simulations of visual effects.
– Execution of tasks within production schedules and according to our pipeline.
– Ability to work as a team.
– Independence in task realization.
Required Skill & Experience
3 years of professional experience in a similar role.
– Very good knowledge of Houdini software.
– Must be able to work iteratively in a fluid and fast-paced environment, receiving feedback easily, and be willing to participate as a member of a highly collaborative team.
– Ability to communicate in English easily.
– Good knowledge of: Maya, Arnold, Shotgun, or Nuke.
– Deep understanding of all aspects of 3D and VFX pipeline steps.
– Experience in Python scripting.
Senior Grooming Artist
Grooming CG characters to a photorealistic level of finish.
– Working closely with other pipeline teams for the best quality.
– Understanding of the visual references and art direction.
– Meeting deadlines and solving everyday problems.
Required Skill & Experience
– At least 4 years of experience in the CG or game industry.
– Solid knowledge of Maya and Yeti.
– A good eye for form and detail as it relates to organic models.
– Production knowledge of Arnold render engine .
– Excellent communication skills and ability to work within a team.
– Deep understanding of all aspects of 3D and VFX pipeline steps.
– Character Artist background.
– Working knowledge of Zbrush.
– Working knowledge of XGen in Maya and Maya nHair.
Senior Texturing Artist
– Working with the production team to execute the desired look of CG models, including complex characters and creatures and hard surface models like weapons, real-world vehicles, and props.
– Collaborating with the CG Supervisor and Texturing Lead to determine the look of the CG objects of the project.
– Maintaining good team dynamics.
– Solving everyday problems.
– Thinking creatively and globally.
Required Skill & Experience
– At least 2-years’ experience in surfacing, texture painting or look development.
– Solid knowledge of Substance Painter.
– A keen eye for color and detail as it relates to organic models is a must
– Very good knowledge of Maya and Arnold.
– A clear understanding of UV’s.
– Excellent communication skills.
– Working knowledge of Zbrush, Mari, and Photoshop.
– Previous production experience in cinematics/VFX or game dev.
– Experience with traditional drawing and painting.
Preparing breakdowns and schedules based on script and treatments.
– Supervising the technical and artistic progress of the work.
– Understanding and interpreting the Director’s intentions.
– Preparing projects brief for Artists, Freelancers, and Outsource.
– Supporting Producers in contact with Clients.
Required Skill & Experience
Minimum 2 years experience as a Project Lead/Supervisor.
– Thorough understanding of the CG and VFX production processes.
– Solid knowledge of all other disciplines within VFX and CG, including modeling, rendering, animation, texturing, lighting, shading, effects, and rigging.
– Experience in working with one of these software’s: Maya, Nuke, Houdini or Cinema.
– Ability to prioritize and work on multiple tasks in a high-pressure environment.
– Ability to work efficiently with various personalities and different work styles.
– Proactive problem-solving skills.
– Great communication skills, both written and verbal.
– Fluent English is essential.
– Working knowledge with Unreal Engine.
– Experience in working with the Shotgun.
– Solid PM skills (tools and general methodologies in project management).
– A keen eye for art.
Team Coordinator
Close cooperation with Managers, Artists, and Supervisors to coordinate projects.
– Coordination of tasks: ensuring that deadlines are met for each task assigned, daily verifications, and adjustments of schedules.
– Monitoring progress, issues, and preparing reports – ensuring statuses and completion information up to date.
– Taking part in tools development (for eg. Shotgun).
– Documenting decisions and requests, and ensuring items are tracked and managed appropriately.
– Attending and participating in daily-stand ups and production meetings.
Required Skill & Experience
– At least 2 years experience in a similar position.
– Proven ability to work effectively across teams.
– Well-developed organization and coordination skills.
– Proactive problem-solving skills.
– Positive and constructive attitude.
– Fluent English is essential.
– Solid PM skills (tools and general methodologies in project management).
– Working experience in post-production studio, game development or IT.
– Knowledge of Shotgun.
– A keen eye for art.
Team Producer
Planning, evaluating, and managing production process in cooperation with Supervisor.
– Ensuring that deadlines are met for each task assigned, daily verifications, and adjustments of schedules and budget.
– Tracking and mitigating risks appearing in the development.
– Preparing and presenting the progress of the project to Client.
– Managing work of outsource companies.
Required Skill & Experience
At least 5 years’ experience with production management in movies/TV series production, post-production, game development, or related field.
– Proven ability to effectively work across teams involved in a post-production workflow.
– Excellence in prioritization and running projects end-to-end, ability to independently operationalize complex projects.
– Solid PM skills (tools and general methodologies in project management).
– Proactivity, independence, ability to cooperate with different Clients, and strong communication skills;
– Fluent English is essential.
– Knowledge of Shotgun.
– A keen eye for art.
Unreal Engine Developer
Participating in design, testing, and implementation of Unreal Engine workflow,
– Supporting artists working in Unreal Engine,
– Creating Blueprints for the need of current projects,
– Supporting artists in using SVN/Perforce system,
– Creating user documentation and internal know-how in regards to Unreal Engine,
– Advising teams on the organization of scenes, levels, and assets in current projects,
– Cooperating with PI Technology Team.
Required Skill & Experience
Min. 2 years of experience in programming in Unreal Engine 4,
– Excellent knowledge of Unreal Engine 4 & Blueprint system,
– Excellent knowledge of SVN/Perforce and Git,
– Good knowledge of C++ programming language as well as API in UE4,
– Good knowledge of design patterns, algorithmics, and good programming practices,
– Good knowledge of tools used by artists in the 3D production process,
– Independence and creativity in solving technical problems,
– Excellent communication skills.
– Knowledge of Python language,
– Previous experience in VFX, animation, or game dev industry,
– Knowledge of animation/VFX pipeline,
– Experience working with the Shotgun system (Shotgun API).
Exit Consultores
3D generalist
La persona que se incorpore deberá tener conocimientos de Maya, Cinema 4d con Octane.
Titulaciones y Reel específicas.
Motion graphics
La persona que se incorpore deberá tener conocimientos de paquete Adobe.
Titulaciones y Reel específicas.
IRO Pictures
3D generalist
La persona que se incorpore deberá tener conocimientos de Maya, Cinema 4d con Octane.
Titulaciones y Reel específicas.
Motion graphics
La persona que se incorpore deberá tener conocimientos de paquete Adobe.
Titulaciones y Reel específicas.
IRO Pictures
Generalista 3D
Persona con conocimientos para ayudar en el rigging, texturizado, animación y otras partes del proceso 3D.
Con conocimientos de Maya, ZBrush o Unreal.
Persona que esté habituado a trabajar con la roto, prep/Paint y la composición en general.
Con conocimientos de Nuke.
Desarrollador web
Que conozca el desarrollo de una página Web.
Con conocimientos de Wordpress.
DIGIC Pictures
3D Animator
Animating objects and characters in 3D
Thorough knowledge of animation principles, and the ability to use them in practice
Attention to details
Proficiency in Maya software
High level of creativity
Ability to work both independently and in a team
Disciplined working style
Ability to keep deadlines and work in a disciplined way.
Ability to understand instructions and communicate in English
Technical Animator
Creating cloth simulations in cooperation with project leads, using mainly Marvelous Designer.
At least 2 years of experience in a similar position, preferably on a CG creature project.
Being comfortable with the technical aspects of cloth simulation.
Strong artistic and visual skills.
Elementary grasp of animation basics.
Comprehensive knowledge of Maya.
Basic knowledge of rigging.
Accountability and dependability - should be able handle heavy workloads under immense pressure, with tight deadlines.
Precision in work.
Positive outlook, “can do” attitude.
Character Modelling Artist
Character and prop modeling based on 2D concept art
Retopo model creation based on 3D concept sculpts
Creation of blendshapes
Anatomical knowledge
Polygon modeling knowledge of Maya/3ds max
Zbrush/Mudbox knowledge
Tech artist (realtime)
Participate in developing the tools, pipelines, shaders, and art techniques for creating content
Find and implement solutions to technical problems
Optimise content for memory while retaining visual quality
Collaborate with programmers to develop and test new features and provide feedback during R&D
Manage and document workflows
Proven experience working with Unreal Engine (Blueprint, Sequencer, Editor)
Experience in editing materials, lights and special effects
Good knowledge of 3D authoring packages (Maya, Substance, Houdini, etc)
Solid understanding of PBR workflow and shader programming
Professional experience as a technical artist in games or related industries
Experience with VR and AR development
Graphics programming knowledge such as Python, C# or C++
Concept artist
Creating consistent, top-quality realistic illustrations of characters, special effects, environments, props, etc. Iterate and provide elegant and effective visual solutions for design challenges big and small.
Creating key shots, layouts, overpaints and production design
Taking part in developing the style, look and visual narrative of our movies, attending creative meetings, writing sessions, making quick sketches and iterate in situ.
Art skills - especially anatomy and proportion, basic knowledge of architectural and engineering design, and set lighting
Good communication skills (in English) written and verbal
Good grasp on storytelling and visual narrative
Inclination for constructive collaboration
Ability to understand and communicate visual direction through words and images.
Grooming TD
Making hair and fur of characters in animated films based on references.
Manage technical challanges and implement new ideas to the workflow
3D experience in Maya software
Strong technical knowledge and skills
Experience in production industry
Surfacing TD
Material texturing of characters based on referesnces and setting shader parameters to fit them to the project atmosphere.
Have a relevant 3D/2D portfolio
Maya or other 3D software experience
Have a good eye on details and visual analysis ability
Senior Mocap Specialist
You will have end to end responsibility for recording motion captures from fitting the actor with the necessary marker suit to setting up shots
Preparing and help planning the shootings
Mocap is organic part of our productions, you will take part in shooting events, handle mocap technique and motion editing
As post-capture you create a preliminary 3D cumputer animation using Shogun/Motion Builder/Maya
Basic knowledge and understanding character animation is a great advantage. Our animators will truly appreciate if based on your related experience and knowledge you hand over mocap data matching their needs
Being part of the R&D, to help developing our pipeline
5+ years experience in the CG industry, including at least 3+ years in motion capture
Expert level knowledge in Vicon Shogun or Blade, Faceware and Motion Bulider
have education or industry experience in the field of 3D Animation, Motion Capture or Film
Being an expert in Vicon Shogun or Blade, Motion Builder is mandatory. Solid Knowledge of Maya, Unreal, Python scripting, XYZdynamics or Faceware is an advantage.
Senior Matchmove Artist
Hands-on operation of CG Workstation, reporting to 3D Leads and Supervisors
Accurately tracks both rigid and deforming objects in plates, such as cars, people, cloth, etc. while maintaining an accurate 3D volume for use in final compositing
Sets up and tracks shots and sequences while meeting all technical and aesthetic standards for the project
Manages and supervises the outgoing and incoming packages in case of work with 3rd party matchmoving partners
Works closely with the other departments to ensure shots are running smoothly throughout the project’s pipeline
Works with animation department to ensure accurate camera track.
Actively participates in the continuous development of the company's matchmove pipeline with the pipeline dev team
Tackles challenging situations and is able to work in a fast-paced environment
Takes direction and effectively communicate with team and management
Completes tasks within production deadlines
4+ years experience as a matchmove artist (feature or series)
Experience with Maya, PF Track and/or 3DEqualizer
A reel showing a wide technical skillset and creative problem-solving skills.
Understanding of virtual 3D camera principles: know about filming techniques and lenses, including the principles of distortion, parallax and overscan
Be skilled at using a variety of relevant tracking and 3D packages and compositing software
Scripting or programming experience is a plus.
Proven ability to work closely in a small team with tight schedules.
Demonstrated ability to prioritize and manage time well.
Excellent attention to detail and desire to deliver consistently high-quality work and encourage those around you to the same standards.
FX artist
Creation of complex effects on the basis of supervisor suggestions and references
Smoke and fire simulation in Houdini
Liquid and RBD simulation in Houdini
Handling of particle systems: Houdini and Maya
Thorough knowledge of Maya and Houdini
At least 1-2 years of production experience
Ability to work independently
Fluent communication in English or Hungarian
Experience in using Nuke software
Lighting and Compositing Artist
Lighting of Maya scenes, achieving the right mood the shot requires
Compositing of the lit scenes in Nuke, achieving the final image
Expert knowledge of lighting and shading elements of Maya
Good working knowledge of any node based compositing software (preferably Nuke)
Good visual sense of lighting for 3D photorealism
Basic knowledge of light- and colour composition, 2D layout
Calm attitude, ability to work well under pressure
Problem solving skills
Good eye for details
At least two years of production experience in a similar position
Design/Art background
Basic knowledge of Arnold
Photography/lighting knowledge
Shading knowledge
Ability to create Nuke gizmos, tcl and Python scripting
Drakhar studio
2D Artist
Responsable del desarrollo de concept art y diseños tanto de personajes, objetos y entornos de alta calidad para su correcto desarrollo 3D.
Imprescindible portfolio online.
Experiencia demostrable y al menos 2 años de experiencia en la industria.
Conocimientos artísticos, anatómicos, compositivos y de color avanzados.
Manejo experto de Photoshop e Illustrator.
Entendimiento sobre el desarrollo de videojuegos y sus iteraciones.
Dotes de trabajo en equipo, actitud positiva y resolutiva.
3D Artist
Responsable del desarrollo de modelos 3D, tanto de personajes, props y entornos.
Imprescindible Portfolio online.
Experiencia demostrable y al menos 2 años de experiencia en la industria.
Conocimientos avanzados en creación “Game Ready” de personaje sy entornos 3d.
Conocimientos expertos en Maya 3D y Zbrush.
Conocimientos avanzados en desarrollo de texturas en Substance Painter, Substance Designer y Photoshop.
Nociones de optimización para videojuegos.
Capacidades de adaptación en base a los concept art y distintos estilos artísticos.
Dotes de Trabajo en equipo, actitud positiva y resolutiva
Capacidad de recibir críticas y adaptación a cambios
Environment Artist
Responsable del desarrollo de entornos 3D. Introducción de modelos 3D en el motor y su correcta implementación y seteado. Iluminación y optimización de estos.
Imprescindible Demo reel o portfolio online.
Experiencia demostrable y al menos 2 años de experiencia en la industria.
Conocimientos avanzados en Unity 3D y Unreal Engine.
Desarrollo de whitebox en motor, Set Dressing, iluminación, efectos, implementación y optimización en motor.
Conocimientos en el desarrollo de entornos 3D.
Nociones de modelado, mapeado de uvs y texturizado de props.
Gusto artístico y nociones de color y composición.
Dotes de trabajo en equipo, actitud positiva y resolutiva y capacidad de recibir críticas y adaptarse a cambios
VUI/UX Artist
Responsable del diseño y desarrollo de Interfaces para videojuegos y Experiencia de usuario.
Imprescindible porfolio online.
Experiencia demostrable y al menos 2 años de experiencia en la industria.
Conocimientos profesionales en Adobe creative Suite (Especialmente en Illustrator, Photoshop e InDesing).
Amplios conocimientos en Unity 3D y Unreal Engine.
Capacidades de prototipado de interfaces.
Compresión artística, compositiva y de color.
Capacidad comunicativa.
Compresión de las iteraciones del trabajo en videojuegos.
Actitud positiva y resolutiva y capacidad de adaptarse a cambios.
Technical Artist
Responsable del apartado técnico visual en proyectos para pc y consolas. Desarrollo e implementación de herramientas y metodologías que permita obtener resultados a un nivel técnico y artístico de manera óptima.
Imprescindible porfolio online.
Experiencia demostrable y al menos 2 años de experiencia en la industria.
Amplios conocimientos en Unity 3D y Unreal Engine.
Amplios conocimientos en programación (C#, C++, Blueprints).
Capacidad de desarrollo de herramienta y metodologías útiles y óptimas para el correcto desarrollo del apartado visual de videojuegos.
Conocimientos en el desarrollo de VFX y su correcta optimización.
Amplios conocimientos en optimización para plataformas de consola.
Comprensión de la producción y las iteraciones en el desarrollo de videojuegos.
Capacidad de trabajar en equipo, actitud positiva, resolutiva y comunicativa.
3D Animator
Responsable de desarrollar animaciones para videojuegos de personajes, humanoides y no humanoides en 3D
Imprescindible porfolio online.
Experiencia demostrable y al menos 2 años de experiencia en la industria.
Conocimientos profesionales en animación para Maya 3D.
Compresión de los requerimientos de animación para personajes para videojuegos y su correcta optimización.
Conocimientos avanzados en los principios de animación.
Amplios conocimientos en Biped y esqueletos personalizados.
Nociones en Unity 3D y Unreal Engine.
Compresión de la producción del desarrollo de videojuegos y sus iteraciones.
Dotes de trabajo en equipo, actitud positiva y resolutiva.
Capacidad de recibir críticas y adaptarse a cambios.
Game designer
Responsable de diseñar todos los elementos que componen el juego, desde el concepto, las mecánicas o los niveles, entre otros.
2 años de experiencia y un juego publicado en consolas / PC
Technical Artist
Encargado de crear shaders y optimización general del juego, el conocimiento en VFX es un plus.
2 años de experiencia y un juego publicado en consolas / PC
Mid programmer
Encargado de programar e implementar sistemas dentro del motor Unity / Unreal.
2 años de experiencia y un juego publicado en consolas / PC
Encargado de gestionar el equipo y las tareas de estos, desde el concepto y durante todo el desarrollo. Este perfil tendrá que tener en cuenta los recursos y asignarlos para cumplir con las fechas definidas.
2 años de experiencia y un juego publicado en consolas / PC
Senior Programmer
Encargado de programar e implementar sistemas dentro del motor Unity / Unreal.
4 años de experiencia y un juego publicado en consolas / PC
In Efecto Atlantis
Lighting Artist
Compositing Artist
R&D Pipeline engineer
Shot TD
Ofertas perfiles artísticos:
- Background
- Environment concept
Ofertas perfiles animación:
- Animadores 2D
- Cleanup
- 2D layout
- Inbetweeners
Las sesiones de RECLUTAMIENTO ON LINE DE ANIMAYO 2021 se celebrarán con la plataforma PINE, un portal web que permite conectar a profesionales con empresas, NO ES NECESARIO DESCARGAR NINGUNA APLICACIÓN, NI PROGRAMA, recibirás un email con un link de acceso y sólo debes seguir los pasos que te desglosamos de manera sencilla en este MANUAL DE USUARIO, en el que te ayudamos a crear tu cuenta, tu perfil y gestionar las herramientas del programa.